To our Sponsors, Volunteers, Box Hosts, and all who supported another year of Christmas in the City. In 2023, you served over 550 children of 250+ families, providing everything they need for the holiday celebration they deserve. From all of us at HOPE Helps, Thank You, and Merry Christmas.


Christmas in the City is our largest outreach event of the year, created in 2008 in partnership with HOPE’s Interfaith Coalition, giving hundreds of families in need the opportunity to choose gifts for their children ages  0-18. There will be toys, games, gift cards, blankets, books, pants, new socks and underwear, and even stocking stuffers! Once the parents have selected gifts, they are reunited with their children who have been making crafts and visiting Santa. The family then receives a professional family portrait, a bag of food including holiday goodies, free lunch, and the opportunity to visit prayer tables and a variety of local partner resource agencies.

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!


Oviedo Chiropractic

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