To Register as a Client:Our services are open to Seminole County residents only. HOPE provides toys, socks and underwear, hygiene items, entertainment, a hot meal and more to registered clients on the day of the event. If you are a current client at HOPE please make sure you know your children’s sock and underwear size when you register. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Registration takes place in HOPE’s Resource Center from November 5th through November 30th during Pantry hours. Pantry Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: Open to clients from 9:00am-11:30am, closed 11:30am-12:30pm, and reopened 12:30pm-3:30pm. Wednesdays and Saturday: open to clients 9am – Noon.
If you have any questions about registration, please email If you would like to register your family and you are not currently an active HOPE client, you must meet the following criteria: If you need assistance printing or making copies of the documents we are happy to help you when you are here or you can send documents to Our address is 812 Eyrie Drive, Oviedo Fl 32765. |
Kids of HOPE
Back to School BashSince it’s inception in 2009, the Kids of HOPE, Back to School Bash (an outreach of the Kids of HOPE Enrichment Program) has provided thousands of children in need everything they need to start their first day of school.
HOPE wants our children to arrive at school looking good, feeling good, and geared with the basic tools for academic success from day one. Registration for the 2024 Back to School Bash occurs on site at the HOPE Resource Center July 2nd – July 20th!
Kids of HOPE EnrichmentAt HOPE Helps’ Food Pantry, we provide supplemental food including free meat, produce, bread, and non-perishable food four days per week (T/ W/TH/S), to families who register at HOPE. The Kids of HOPE program provides registered children with free lunches during the thirteen weeks of school breaks throughout the calendar year (Kids of HOPE food is distributed the week before the school break in Fall, Winter, and Spring). When families come to HOPE to pick up their children’s week of food, which includes fresh fruit and easy-open items for children who may be home alone while their parents work, the parents have the opportunity to meet with a case manager to discuss their personal situation and create a personalized plan to get back on their feet.
Healthy items include: