
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018
Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018

Volunteer Appreciation Week 2018

April 15 – 21, 2018 marked the annual National Volunteer Appreciation Week and while our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic was postponed due to inclement weather, HOPE staff made sure our volunteers felt the love all week long. Each day, members of HOPE’s staff brought in tasty treats and made clever signs to celebrate our many wonderful […]

Eagle Scout Project – Carter Kaplan
Eagle Scout Project – Carter Kaplan
Eagle Scout Project – Carter Kaplan
Eagle Scout Project – Carter Kaplan
Eagle Scout Project – Carter Kaplan

Eagle Scout Project – Carter Kaplan

We would like to thank Carter Kaplan, a local Eagle Scout, for his hard work and dedication to HOPE.   Carter chose HOPE for his Eagle Scout Service Project. The Eagle Scout Service Project is the opportunity for a Boy Scout to demonstrate leadership of others while performing a project for the benefit of his […]

Eagle Scout Project: Carter Kaplan

Eagle Scout Project: Carter Kaplan

Have you been by The HOPE Chest lately? Notice anything different? Thanks to Eagle Scout, Carter Kaplan, The HOPE Chest is sporting sleek new cabinets that make organizing behind the counter so much easier! With more space, The HOPE Chest staff has dual-functioning cabinets to store items like office supplies, tools, and decor and to […]


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