Register for HOPE’s 8th Annual Sham Rock N’ Run!

Register for HOPE’s 8th Annual Sham Rock N’ Run!
Have you made a New Year’s Resolution?  Maybe to shed a few of those holiday pounds, or start working out more?  We have the perfect solution! Register now for HOPE’s Sham Rock N Run 5k & Little Leprechaun Lap on March 9th and start moving!  This fun, family oriented, St. Patty’s themed 5k benefits local families in need and will once again be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Oviedo.  The first 600 to register will receive a free performance t-shirt and finisher’s medal. The top 3 M/F runners in a variety of age categories will receive prizes as well.  There is also a prize for the largest team, a costume contest and a free Leprechaun Lap (Kids Fun Run) for children under 10. Sponsorships are also available.  Contact Jackie for more info at

Thank you to our sponsors!

Click here to find out how you can sponsor the 8th annual Sham Rock ‘N Run in 2019.


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