Volunteer Appreciation 2022

Volunteer Appreciation 2022

HOPE recognizes our volunteers all year, but in April we pay extra special attention to them during National Volunteer Appreciation Week.  This year, HOPE’s “HOPE-down”, complete with country theme, and square dancing lessons for all, took place at Oviedo on the Park surrounded by hundreds of volunteers, including those who volunteer in HOPE’s Food Pantry, Resource Center, Thrift Store, Administrative offices, Events and Board of Directors.  HOPE recognized 14 volunteers who went above and beyond the prior year, with 1 volunteer, Peggy Harwood, being recognized for the Founders Award – for devoting her time selflessly over the past 15 years.  Over 28,000 hours were donated in 2021 and HOPE’s staff presented not only the award, but a personalized speech depicting each volunteer’s highlights and accomplishments within their volunteerism at HOPE.  Thank you to the following volunteers who helped us continue our mission in 2021 and being a part of the HOPE family!  


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