HOPE’s 8th Annual Sham Rock N Run Presented by Charles Schwab
On Saturday, March 9, hundreds of people shamROCKED the 8th Annual Sham Rock N Run 5k presented by Charles Schwab. The annual event helps raise funds for HOPE’s programs to reduce and prevent homelessness in Seminole County. Participants enjoyed 3.1 miles through St. Luke’s Lutheran Church & School and Lutheran Haven and were awarded custom […]
Join the Hearts for HOPE Club
Have you heard about our Hearts for HOPE Club? Members pledge to donate $1,000+ a year, through a monthly donation, to help sustain our operations and ensure our clients have the support they need in a time of crisis. HOPE Helps provides over 250 clients a week with food, financial assistance, case management, financial literacy […]
Thank you!
Watch: HOPE’s Your Neighbor video. We are writing in hopes that you will consider a year-end gift to HOPEHelps before 2018 is over. Thanks to your generosity this year, over 3,000 of our neighbors in need received food, financial assistance, case management, financial literacy counseling, computer training, nutrition and cooking classes, information on employment opportunities and access to additional […]
$10,000 Up for Grabs
Today is the final day! Please take time today to vote (25 times per email; keep clicking “vote” when it turns red until it tells you that you have reached your voting limit for the day) and share with your friends and family! Encourage everyone you know to vote, they do not have to be […]
Rockin’ American Muscle Car Show for HOPE
A huge thank you to the Mid-Florida Mustang Club for their continued support of HOPE! Their 14th All Annual Rockin’ American Muscle Car Show was a massive success and even more fun! This annual event benefited HOPE and was host to a food drive to help stock HOPE’s food pantry. We are so thankful for their […]
Femmes de Coeur
We are so grateful for the support of Femmes de Coeur! Their Let Us Entertain You event raised $14,000 for HOPE! Thank you to all who planned, organized, and worked the event and thank you to the dancers who helped raise funds for HOPE.