Luke started utilizing HOPE’s food pantry when his company was bought out and he was let go. He was eventually able to collect unemployment but that didn’t cover all his bills. Since Luke’s young son stays with him part-time, having enough food at home is important and HOPE’s pantry has helped him keep food on the table. Luke has found temporary work through a staffing agency while looking for something full time in the IT field. Staffing agency jobs are often short-term and can have downtime between assignments, so Luke’s income is still not steady. Luke made sure to prioritize his rent and electric, but needed assistance with his water bill and HOPE was able to help him get caught up. Luke also met with HOPE’s financial counselors to see how he could stretch his money during this difficult time. Luke will continue using HOPE’s services while he works to return to self-sufficiency.
If you know of someone in need of any resources provided at HOPE, please contact resources@hopehelps.org or 321-765-4984.