A Safe, New Start

A Safe, New Start
Recently, HOPE had a client, Kara, come in for food and housing assistance.  She had fled a domestic violence situation from another state and found a place to stay in Florida but only for a very limited time. When her temporary arrangements ended, Kara had nowhere to go because all the shelters she tried were full. Kara felt very depressed and didn’t know which way to go, but was determined not to look back. The Case Manager at HOPE provided encouragement and moral support. Additionally, HOPE’s Case Manager was able to provide Kara with food and contact a local shelter that had a space available and agreed to reserve it for her. Kara took the bus and walked to get to the shelter. HOPE’s Case Manager later contacted the shelter and found out that she had just made it to the shelter. A few days later, Kara emailed HOPE staff, stating: “I’m still at [the shelter] and I want to say thank you so much for helping me along with the other staff. [HOPE] is amazing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!”
If you know of someone in need of any resources provided at HOPE, please contact resources@hopehelps.org or 321-765-4984.


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