* “Stories of HOPE” feature real clients and their stories, however, we use a stand-in name and image to protect their privacy *
Sometimes being receptive and willing are all it takes to overcome adversity.
Betty charted a compelling path to HOPE. After becoming sick earlier this year, she missed two weeks of work and was let go from her job. A single mom with no access to child support, Betty’s world quickly collapsed under the strain of inflation and due to her high monthly rent.
However, her leasing office, in a wonderful demonstration of the power of partnerships, told her about HOPE.
She arrived at HOPE receptive and willing to overcome the financial obstacles in her path. In fact, she specifically requested financial counseling services and respectfully turned down pantry support.
Betty gathered her bank statements and financial information, and after several one-on-one sessions we helped her pair back her spending, consolidate her bills with the help of Greenwise Debt Relief, and better monitor her goals through Intuit’s Mint app. Last but not least, we recommended that she secure a temporary part time job which she was able to do.
With a healthy dose of budgeting, bill consolidation, and employment Betty was quickly removed from the 3-day notice list at her apartment complex. Now she’s paying off her bills and on time. Betty told us she’s grateful to be back to self-sufficiency.
Betty was open to problem solving and to HOPE’s resources and recommendations. She took the program seriously. Her story reminds us that when the woes of life strike we can overcome them by being willing to listen and open to change.