Kathy, a young lady with 2 children who were living in a hotel, contacted HOPE about needing a place to stay. It was her last day in the hotel as she had no income due to the fact that she lost her job. She also had no support from family and friends. Another person staying at the hotel allowed her to stay in their room for one night but the next day, she had to leave. Her plan was to find another job and get a place to stay for her and her children. Kathy reached out to HOPE for herself and children trying to find housing. HOPE’s case manager worked to locate a place to stay for Kathy and her family. The case manager completed the V-FSPDAT assessment, which is a used for homeless families which helps shelters and other agencies know more about the client’s situation. This allows the families to be serviced quicker depending on where they are located. HOPE’s case manager referred Kathy to a nearby shelter, which saved a space for her. She was able to make it there the next day and was very grateful that she and her children didn’t have to live on the street. She can now move forward, with finding employment and a place to live. HOPE was able to work through the model of preventing homelessness before it happens. HOPE will continue to provide crucial resources as Kathy continues on her journey to self-sufficiency, including food, toiletries, employment search and supplies so her children can start school feeling confident and stable.
If you know of someone in need of any resources provided at HOPE, please contact resources@hopehelps.org or 321-765-4984.