April learned about HOPE a few months ago when she needed help with her utility bill. Living on a fixed disability income, April had to use some of her money for car repairs that month, which left her short for her water bill. April lives by herself and in order to try to increase her income, she does side jobs when she can. HOPE was able to assist April with her water bill and she started visiting the food pantry to cut down on her food expenses. Feeling overwhelmed with her finances and credit card debt, April has also been working with one of HOPE’s financial counselor volunteers. The financial counselor has helped her with finding ways to decrease debt and unnecessary spending. April plans to continue using the food pantry and meeting with the financial counselor while she works to improve her financial situation.
If you know of someone in need of any resources provided at HOPE, please contact resources@hopehelps.org or 321-765-4984.