From food to finances, HOPE Helps

From food to finances, HOPE Helps

We have a new family coming to the HOPE Pantry this month.  Thomas recently lost his job, where he had been making a comfortable salary to support his family.  While trying to find steady employment over the past few months, the family had been living off savings which was soon depleted.  Thomas is now working as a restaurant server and holds a side job where he delivers trucks out of state to cover what expenses he can.  His wife is also walking dogs to help pay the bills.  This is a new experience for the family, who used to be donors to HOPE. They never thought they would be here as clients.

The family also has a special needs son with medical expenses that are challenging with the loss of insurance through Thomas’ employment.  Their monthly rent and insurance, which was affordable with their past income, has become overwhelming.  HOPE Case Managers were able to help the family with their finances by providing them with rental assistance.  They also met with our financial advisor to better prepare for the coming months.  We have given Thomas employment resources and information on upcoming hiring events so he can return to a full time position as soon as possible.  He’s working hard to take care of his family and return to self-sufficiency and they are very thankful for HOPE’s help during this difficult time.
“I’ve done canned food drives for you and donated to the Back to School Bash. You’ve been wonderful to work with and I appreciate being able to receive the assistance.  The food pantry has been a huge help.  I’ve always been too proud to accept help, but I’m glad there’s an organization like HOPE that’s out there.  Thank you.” – Thomas
If you know of someone in need of any resources provided at HOPE, please contact or 321-765-4984.


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