Jerry was referred to HOPE through a friend when he was laid off from his job of many years as a marketing director. Jerry and his wife, Elsa, a retired teacher, also support their adult son, who is unable to work due to mental health issues. Jerry turned to HOPE for food assistance and has acquired a part-time retail job while actively looking and interviewing for a full-time job. Elsa is also working part-time. HOPE’s case manager provided Jerry with some job leads and made an appointment for him to work with HOPE’s financial counselor. The family is currently living off of their limited savings and small income, so the financial counseling will help them manage their finances efficiently during this transition period. HOPE will continue to work with this family on their journey back to self-sufficiency.
If you know of someone in need of any resources provided at HOPE, please contact resources@hopehelps.org or 321-765-4984.